Programmatically retrieving blockchain data – Part 3

Do you know how to retrieve data from EVM based chains but are lost with Solana? Consider this post as a primer to Solana for the developer already comfortable with EVM based chains. In this post I discuss various Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) based RPC methods and their equivalent counterparts in the Solana blockchain. This post compares and contrasts the methods in terms of their functionality and usage. I give step-by-step guidance and code examples to bridge the gap between the two ecosystems.

Common EVM based methods and their equivalent


The equivalent Solana RPC method for the Ethereum method eth_getBlockByNumber would be the Solana RPC method getBlock. However, it’s important to note that Solana and Ethereum have different structures and terminologies when it comes to their blockchains, so there might be some differences in the data returned and the way you interact with these methods.

In Ethereum, eth_getBlockByNumber allows you to retrieve a block’s information using its block number or block tag. Similarly, in Solana, getBlock allows you to retrieve block information by providing the block’s slot (which is analogous to the block number in Ethereum).

Here’s an example of how you might use the getBlock method in Solana:

# Using solana-cli
solana block <block_slot>

If you’re interacting with the Solana RPC API programmatically, you can use a library like solana-web3.js for JavaScript to call this method:

const web3 = require('@solana/web3.js');

const solanaRpcUrl = 'QUICKNODE_URL'; // Replace with the quicknode url
const connection = new web3.Connection(solanaRpcUrl, 'confirmed');

async function getSolanaBlock(slot) {
  const block = await connection.getBlock(slot);

const blockSlot = 12345678; // Replace with the desired block slot


The Ethereum method eth_getTransactionReceipt retrieves the receipt of a transaction, including information about contract events and logs. In Solana, there isn’t a direct equivalent method because Solana and Ethereum have different transaction models and data structures. However, you can achieve similar functionality using a combination of Solana’s RPC methods and programming features.

To get similar information as eth_getTransactionReceipt in Solana, you would need to follow these steps:

  1. Use Solana’s RPC Methods to Get Transaction Information:
    1. Use the getTransaction Solana RPC method to retrieve transaction details.
  2. Decode Logs and Events:
    1. Solana doesn’t inherently have the concept of logs like Ethereum. Instead, you would need to design your Solana program to emit custom events or data that you’re interested in tracking.
    2. Parse and decode these custom events from the transaction’s transaction message or transaction logs.
  3. Construct a Custom Response:
    1. Based on the decoded events and information, you can construct a custom response object that resembles the information you would get from an Ethereum transaction receipt.

Here’s a simplified example of how you might approach this using JavaScript and Solana’s @solana/web3.js library:

const web3 = require('@solana/web3.js');

async function getSolanaTransactionReceipt(transactionSignature) {
  const solanaRpcUrl = 'QUICKNODE_URL'; // Replace with the quicknode url
  const connection = new web3.Connection(solanaRpcUrl, 'confirmed');

  const transaction = await connection.getTransaction(transactionSignature);

  if (!transaction) {
    return null; // Transaction not found

  // Parse and decode custom events/logs from transaction.message
  const decodedEvents = parseAndDecodeEvents(transaction.message.logs);

  const receipt = {
    transactionHash: transactionSignature,
    blockNumber: transaction.slot, // Solana's equivalent of block number
    // Other relevant information based on your decoded events

  return receipt;

function parseAndDecodeEvents(logs) {
  // Implement logic to parse and decode logs into custom event data
  // This could involve iterating through logs and extracting data
  // Refer to Solana's documentation and your program's event structure

  return decodedEvents;

const transactionSignature = '...'; // Replace with the Solana transaction signature
  .then((receipt) => {
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Error:', error);

Remember that Solana’s design and data structures are different from Ethereum’s, so you’ll need to adjust your approach accordingly. The example provided is a high-level guideline, and you’ll need to customize it based on your specific Solana program and use case.


The Ethereum method eth_getCode is used to retrieve the bytecode of a smart contract deployed on the Ethereum blockchain. The comparable Solana RPC method for this is getAccountInfo, which can be used to retrieve information about an account, including the data associated with it.

Here’s how you can use the Solana getAccountInfo method in comparison to Ethereum’s eth_getCode:

Ethereum eth_getCode:

// Using web3.js for Ethereum
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3('QUICKNDOE_URL'); // Replace with the quicknode url

async function getEthContractBytecode(address) {
  const bytecode = await web3.eth.getCode(address);
  return bytecode;

const contractAddress = '0x...'; // Replace with the Ethereum contract address
  .then((bytecode) => {
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Error:', error);

Solana getAccountInfo:

const web3 = require('@solana/web3.js');

async function getSolanaContractData(address) {
  const solanaRpcUrl = 'QUICKNODE_URL'; // Replace with the quicknode url  
  const connection = new web3.Connection(solanaRpcUrl, 'confirmed');

  const publicKey = new web3.PublicKey(address);
  const accountInfo = await connection.getAccountInfo(publicKey);

  if (!accountInfo) {
    return null; // Account not found

  const contractData =;
  return contractData;

const contractAddress = '...'; // Replace with the Solana contract address
  .then((contractData) => {
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Error:', error);

In the Solana example, getAccountInfo retrieves information about the specified account, and the data field of the account info object contains the bytecode or data associated with the contract. Keep in mind that Solana accounts can hold various types of data, not just bytecode, so the contents of the data field might need further processing based on your specific use case.

Adjust the examples according to your use case and the libraries you’re using. Solana’s design and terminology differ from Ethereum’s, so the way you handle contracts and their data will have some distinctions.


The Ethereum method eth_call is used to execute a call to a contract’s function or to retrieve contract state without making an actual transaction on the Ethereum network. The comparable Solana RPC method for this is simulateTransaction, which allows you to simulate a transaction and obtain the result of executing a program (smart contract) on the Solana blockchain.

Here’s how you can use the Solana simulateTransaction method in comparison to Ethereum’s eth_call:

Ethereum eth_call:

// Using web3.js for Ethereum
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3('QUICKNODE_URL');  // Replace with the quicknode url 

async function ethCall(contractAddress, data) {
  const result = await{
    to: contractAddress,
    data: data,
  return result;

const contractAddress = '0x...'; // Replace with the Ethereum contract address
const inputData = '0x...'; // Replace with the input data for the function call
ethCall(contractAddress, inputData)
  .then((result) => {
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Error:', error);

Solana simulateTransaction:

const web3 = require('@solana/web3.js');

async function simulateSolanaTransaction(sender, programId, data) {
  const solanaRpcUrl = 'QUICKNODE_URL'; // Replace with the quicknode url  
  const connection = new web3.Connection(solanaRpcUrl, 'confirmed');

  const instruction = new web3.TransactionInstruction({
    keys: [{ pubkey: sender, isSigner: true, isWritable: true }],

  const simulatedTransactionResponse = await connection.simulateTransaction(
    new web3.Transaction().add(instruction)

  const simulatedResult = simulatedTransactionResponse.value;
  return simulatedResult;

const senderPublicKey = new web3.PublicKey('...'); // Replace with the sender's public key
const programId = new web3.PublicKey('...'); // Replace with the Solana program ID
const inputData = Buffer.from('...'); // Replace with the input data for the program
simulateSolanaTransaction(senderPublicKey, programId, inputData)
  .then((simulatedResult) => {
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Error:', error);

In the Solana example, simulateTransaction allows you to simulate executing a program (smart contract) using a transaction instruction. Keep in mind that the setup of Solana programs and transactions is different from Ethereum’s, so you’ll need to adapt your code accordingly. Solana’s architecture and design may require additional considerations and adjustments compared to Ethereum’s EVM-based approach.


The Ethereum method eth_getBalance is used to retrieve the balance of a specific Ethereum address. The comparable Solana RPC method for this is getBalance, which allows you to retrieve the balance of a specific Solana wallet address.

Here’s how you can use the Solana getBalance method in comparison to Ethereum’s eth_getBalance:

Ethereum eth_getBalance:

// Using web3.js for Ethereum
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3('QUICKNODE_URL'); // Replace with the quicknode url

async function getEthBalance(address) {
  const balance = await web3.eth.getBalance(address);
  return balance;

const ethAddress = '0x...'; // Replace with the Ethereum address
  .then((balance) => {
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Error:', error);

Solana getBalance:

const web3 = require('@solana/web3.js');

async function getSolanaBalance(address) {
  const solanaRpcUrl = 'QUICKNODE_URL'; // Replace with the quicknode url 
  const connection = new web3.Connection(solanaRpcUrl, 'confirmed');

  const publicKey = new web3.PublicKey(address);
  const balance = await connection.getBalance(publicKey);
  return balance;

const solanaAddress = '...'; // Replace with the Solana wallet address
  .then((balance) => {
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Error:', error);

In both cases, you’re retrieving the balance of a specific address, but keep in mind that the address formats and network-specific details will differ between Ethereum and Solana. Solana uses the Ed25519 public key format for addresses, whereas Ethereum uses the hexadecimal format.

Please replace the placeholders with actual addresses and adapt the code according to the libraries and tools you are using. Solana and Ethereum have different architectures and designs, so the code and approach might vary in certain aspects.


Solana’s architecture and design are quite different from Ethereum’s, and while Ethereum provides the debug_traceBlockByHash method to trace and debug blocks, Solana’s RPC methods and tools might not have a direct equivalent with the same level of detail.

In Ethereum, debug_traceBlockByHash allows for detailed tracing and analysis of the execution and state changes within a block. Solana, on the other hand, primarily focuses on high throughput and performance, which might lead to differences in how debugging and tracing are implemented.

Solana’s RPC methods does not offer a direct equivalent for tracing blocks with the same level of detail as Ethereum’s debug_traceBlockByHash. Solana’s design prioritizes speed and scalability, and its focus on parallel processing might make tracing every detail in a block less practical.

However, for debugging and tracing purposes, you might find the following Solana tools and methods useful:

  • Transaction Explorer: Solana provides a transaction explorer on its block explorer websites (e.g., Solana Explorer). While it might not offer the same level of detail as Ethereum’s block tracing, it can help you visualize transactions and program execution within blocks.
  • Solana CLI and Logging: The Solana Command-Line Interface (CLI) provides commands to interact with the Solana network. While it might not provide the same tracing capability as Ethereum’s debugging methods, it does offer tools for monitoring transactions and program logs.
  • Program Logs: Solana programs can emit logs, and these logs can be retrieved using the getLogs RPC method. These logs can provide insights into the execution of Solana programs.
  • Developer Community: As Solana’s ecosystem evolves, new tools and techniques might emerge for debugging and tracing. It’s recommended to follow Solana’s official channels and developer community discussions for updates and best practices.


Bridging the conceptual and practical gap between EVM-based blockchains and Solana is paramount for developers aiming to diversify their expertise across these platforms. This post illuminated the equivalencies and disparities between Ethereum and Solana RPC methods, from block retrieval to transaction simulation. While Ethereum’s intricate methods offer depth, Solana, with its emphasis on high throughput and scalability, presents its own set of unique methods tailored to its architecture. For the discerning developer, the nuances in interaction, structure, and design between the two ecosystems should serve as a roadmap, guiding them in extracting maximum utility from both platforms. As the blockchain space continues to evolve, it’s imperative to stay updated, embracing new tools, techniques, and best practices that emerge within these dynamic ecosystems.

Programmatically retrieving blockchain data – Part 2


In my last blog post Programmatically retrieving blockchain data – Part 1, I share a thorough guide on accessing and analyzing blockchain data programmatically. I emphasize the significance and advantages of this approach, highlighting benefits like real-time insights, transparency, trust, tailored analysis, automated auditing, smart contract oversight, innovation, research, and risk control. I walk readers through a detailed process of extracting transaction data from BSC Mainnet. This includes steps like registering with an RPC provider (where I particularly suggest QuickNode), procuring a BSC Mainnet Endpoint, fetching the most recent block number, sifting through that block for transactions, and then delving deep into the transaction details. Throughout the article, I’ve incorporated specific RPC methods and coding illustrations to facilitate a deeper grasp and practical application for my readers.

In this post I will walk through how to automate the process of getting transaction details using Node.js, a common library called web3, and using QuickNode as an RPC Provider.


In this blog post, we’ll delve into a Node.js script that uses Web3 to fetch and display transaction details from a specific Ethereum-like blockchain.

Web3 Node.js Library

The web3.js library in Node.js is a powerful tool designed to facilitate interactions with the Ethereum blockchain. It enables developers to connect to local or remote Ethereum nodes, send transactions, deploy and interface with smart contracts, manage Ethereum accounts, and access blockchain data. With its modular design, web3.js abstracts the complexities of Ethereum, providing a streamlined JavaScript API for building decentralized applications and systems on the Ethereum network.

Source Code
0 forks.
0 stars.
0 open issues.

Recent commits:

Understanding the code

Let’s break down the provided code step by step:

1) Shebang Line


This line specifies the interpreter for the script. It indicates that the script should be run using the Node.js runtime.

2) Importing Web3

const { Web3 } = require('web3');

The code imports the Web3 class from the ‘web3’ package, allowing us to interact with Ethereum-compatible blockchains.

3) Blockchain Node URL

var quicknodeurl = 'YOUR_QUICKNODE_URL';

This variable holds the URL of a blockchain node. In this case, it’s a QuickNode URL, which serves as the connection point to the blockchain network.

4) Provider URL Setup

const providerUrl = quicknodeurl;
const web3 = new Web3(providerUrl);

Here, the providerUrl is set to the previously defined QuickNode URL, and a new instance of the Web3 class is created using this provider URL. This instance enables interaction with the blockchain.

5) Fetching Transaction Details

async function getTransactionDetails(transactionHash) {
    // ...

This function takes a transaction hash as a parameter and asynchronously fetches transaction details using the web3.eth.getTransaction() method. It then logs the retrieved transaction details to the console.

6) Fetching Transactions in a Block

async function getBlockTransactions(blockNumber) {
    // ...

This function takes a block number as input and fetches details about transactions within that block using the web3.eth.getBlock() method. It logs the block number and associated transaction hashes to the console. It also iterates through the transaction hashes and fetches details for each transaction using the getTransactionDetails() function.

7) Fetching All Blocks

async function fetchAllBlocks() {
    // ...

This function fetches the latest block number using web3.eth.getBlockNumber() and iterates through blocks from the latest to the genesis block (block number 0). For each block, it calls the getBlockTransactions() function to retrieve and display transaction details.

8) Executing the Fetching Process


Finally, the fetchAllBlocks() function is called to initiate the process of fetching and displaying transaction details for all blocks.


In this blog post, we explored a Node.js script that interacts with an Ethereum-compatible blockchain using the Web3 library. The script fetches transaction details and logs them to the console, providing insights into the blockchain’s transaction history. This code can be a useful starting point for anyone looking to programmatically explore and analyze blockchain data. Whether you’re a developer, researcher, or blockchain enthusiast, this example demonstrates how to harness the power of Web3 and Node.js for blockchain interaction.

Programmatically retrieving blockchain data – Part 1


Welcome to the first installment of this multi-part series, Programmatically Retrieving Blockchain Data. In this series, I will delve into the exciting world of blockchain data retrieval and explore its various aspects, applications, and advantages. Blockchain technology has revolutionized industries ranging from finance to supply chain management, and understanding how to programmatically access and analyze blockchain data can provide invaluable insights and opportunities. In this first part, i will focus on the benefits of programmatically retrieving blockchain data and why it matters in today’s digital landscape.

Benefits and use-cases for Programmatically Retrieving Blockchain Data

  • Real-Time Insights – Programmatically accessing blockchain data enables developers, analysts, and researchers to obtain real-time insights into transactions, smart contracts, and network activities. This up-to-the-minute information can empower decision-makers to make informed choices based on the most current data available.
  • Transparency and Trust – Blockchains are known for their transparency and immutability. By programmatically retrieving data, users can independently verify transactions, ensuring that information has not been tampered with. This level of transparency enhances trust among stakeholders and reduces the need for intermediaries.
  • Customized Analysis – Blockchain data can be vast and complex. By programmatically querying and analyzing specific aspects of the blockchain, users can extract customized insights tailored to their needs. This flexibility allows for targeted research, fraud detection, and trend identification.
  • Automated Auditing – Traditional auditing processes can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Programmatically retrieving blockchain data streamlines auditing procedures, making them more efficient and accurate. Auditors can verify transactions and compliance measures with greater ease.
  • Smart Contract Monitoring – Smart contracts are self-executing agreements with predefined conditions. Programmatic access to blockchain data enables real-time monitoring of smart contracts, ensuring that they function as intended and triggering alerts or actions when specific conditions are met.
  • Innovation and Research – Developers can leverage programmatically retrieved blockchain data to build new applications, services, and products. Researchers can study transaction patterns, user behaviors, and network dynamics to drive innovation in various industries.
  • Risk Management – Enterprises can use programmatically retrieved blockchain data to assess risks associated with specific transactions or addresses. This data-driven approach enhances risk management strategies and helps prevent fraudulent activities.


In this post, we’ll be programmatically accessing transaction data from BSC Mainnet. A blockchain transaction is a digital record representing the movement of data, assets, or information between participants on a blockchain network, authenticated by cryptographic signatures, assigned a unique identifier (transaction hash), and confirmed through a consensus mechanism, thereby ensuring transparency, security, and immutability of the transaction’s details within the blockchain’s ledger.

We’ll be doing the following steps in this exercise:

  • Sign up for an RPC provider and obtain a BSC Mainnet Endpoint
  • Get the latest block number from BSC Mainnet
  • Parse that block for transaction
  • Return the transaction data for that transaction

Step 1 – Sign up for an RPC Provider and obtain a BSC Mainnet Endpoint

In order to interact with the blockchain programmatically, you need to access the RPC endpoint of the chain. You could use the shared public endpoint provided by the foundation or you sign up for an endpoint with an RPC Provider. A blockchain RPC provider is a software interface that allows external applications to communicate and interact with a blockchain network by making remote procedure calls to access data and services. Using a paid RPC provider offers enhanced reliability, performance, and dedicated support compared to public endpoints, ensuring consistent and high-quality access to blockchain data and services.


QuickNode is the best RPC provider and blockchain development platform on the market. It’s often praised for its comprehensive features, high performance, and dedicated support, making it a preferred choice for many developers and projects seeking reliable access to blockchain networks through its optimized nodes and user-friendly interface.

Head over to to create a new free account and create a BSC Mainnet Endpoint. If you love the service (which I’m sure you will) use coupon code abqNVcwd to get $20 off if upgrade to the Build or Scale plan.

Also check out their Getting Started guide to ensure your making the most out of your QuickNode Subscription.

Step 2 – Get the latest block number

Blockchain transactions are individual records of data or value transfers, and they are grouped together in blocks, which are sequentially linked to form a chronological and immutable chain of transactions in a blockchain.

We are going to use a RPC method eth_blockNumber to retrieve the current and most recent block number.

  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'


The payload from eth_blockNumber returns a hexadecimal string representing the current block number on the blockchain. This number indicates the position of the latest block in the blockchain’s sequence. In this case, the response payload is "0xccb93d", it corresponds to the decimal block number 13416765.

Step 3 – Parse block the block for transactions

We are going to use the RPC method eth_getBlockByNumber to retrieve detailed information about a specific block on the blockchain based on its block number or block tag. This method will return a comprehensive set of data associated with a particular block, including its hash, timestamp, transaction list, and other relevant details.

The payload from eth_getBlockByNumber returns the following key attributes.

  • number – The block number (as a hexadecimal string) or null if the block is not found.
  • hash – The block’s unique hash.
  • parentHash – The hash of the previous block.
  • nonce – A proof-of-work consensus algorithm value.
  • sha3Uncles – A hash of the uncles (stale blocks).
  • logsBloom – A bloom filter related to logs and transactions.
  • transactionsRoot – The root of the transaction trie.
  • stateRoot – The root of the state trie.
  • receiptsRoot – The root of the receipts trie.
  • miner – The address of the miner who created the block.
  • difficulty – The block’s difficulty value.
  • totalDifficulty – The cumulative difficulty of the chain up to this block.
  • extraData – Extra data associated with the block.
  • size – The size of the block in bytes.
  • gasLimit – The maximum gas allowed in the block.
  • gasUsed – The total gas used by all transactions in the block.
  • timestamp – The UNIX timestamp of when the block was mined.
  • transactions – An array of transaction objects included in the block.
  • uncles – An array of uncle blocks.
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"method":"eth_getBlockByNumber","params":["0xccb93d",false],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "number": "0xccb93d",
    "logsBloom": "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",
    "stateRoot": "0x2017ad7c1515b4dcf6fd9ef58970303abdc557862fc0d25cf215ce75fa1a3965",
    "sha3Uncles": "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347",
    "totalDifficulty": "0x1969e02",
    "receiptsRoot": "0x0c9c9c142ecccacd291bf5655b7d0ddf5c91dae15541526ff37d6418d995f8a0",
    "hash": "0x8779f0e31c5c3135273189cf58090c5831a23b80b3abd936d0d9f246ca35af74",
    "gasUsed": "0x3afec16",
    "timestamp": "0x61b633b0",
    "miner": "0xa6f79b60359f141df90a0c745125b131caaffd12",
    "difficulty": "0x2",
    "nonce": "0x0000000000000000",
    "size": "0xdfa7",
    "parentHash": "0xc82115cf6f2e42f3dcae41772677ba94d23f06d2544cc99b9b1913272e7ce366",
    "uncles": [],
    "gasLimit": "0x4e0a6df",
    "transactionsRoot": "0x34a104897ae467f78dc372d446000b3347961711915cd75629af40a3e914d783",
    "extraData": "0xd983010107846765746889676f312e31362e3130856c696e75780000c3167bdf878e0bace93cb22a5c4e2f32ed8e6f9631e9b2a1c581ad28709333d6f4e5ec8c0749b0d030a62e53e398932d120e59125166ab7f5d530b4dc5ffaffd4ce9679e01",
    "mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "transactions": [

Step 4 – Get the transaction information

We’ll be examining the first transaction returned from eth_getBlockByNumber call. We’ll be using the eth_getTransactionByHash method to retrieve information about a specific transaction on the Ethereum blockchain by providing its unique transaction hash.

When you send a transaction on the Ethereum network, it gets assigned a unique hash, which serves as its identifier. This hash is derived from the transaction’s content, including details like sender address, recipient address, value, data, gas price, and more. It’s a cryptographic fingerprint of the transaction.

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"method":"eth_getTransactionByHash","params":["0x5326574007e795ba4f51d09d4e79ee66ff1a3136b43b89e7f80da2c943612061"],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' 

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "hash": "0x5326574007e795ba4f51d09d4e79ee66ff1a3136b43b89e7f80da2c943612061",
    "to": "0x03ab98f5dc94996f8c33e15cd4468794d12d41f9",
    "r": "0xb204ebf87f50f638895d47bb05d73f04a924a820e07376363b2d519c0a6d4ae2",
    "chainId": "0x38",
    "from": "0xa14932d5312de6e6e2fc4848e46ca6e47921a72d",
    "blockHash": "0x8779f0e31c5c3135273189cf58090c5831a23b80b3abd936d0d9f246ca35af74",
    "gasPrice": "0x5d21dba00",
    "type": "0x0",
    "nonce": "0x1861",
    "input": "0x51cff8d900000000000000000000000022d5b727e9688e8b7203c60ecbafbee8808f8224",
    "s": "0x45240a3b02d7a44c3f0c9d5a50ff3c157a89b95ce65428c96d1503fcb67c4359",
    "v": "0x93",
    "blockNumber": "0xccb93d",
    "gas": "0x30d40",
    "value": "0x0",
    "transactionIndex": "0x0"

By using the eth_getTransactionByHash method, you can query an Ethereum node for detailed information about a transaction based on its hash. The information returned typically includes:

  • Block Information – The block number and block hash in which the transaction was included.
  • Transaction Index – The position of the transaction within the block’s list of transactions.
  • Sender (From) Address – The Ethereum address that initiated the transaction.
  • Recipient (To) Address – The Ethereum address that received the transaction (if it’s a contract execution, this may be empty).
  • Transaction Value – The amount of Ether (ETH) transferred in the transaction.
  • Gas and Gas Price – The gas used by the transaction and the price per unit of gas.
  • Input Data – Additional data sent with the transaction (often used for smart contract interactions).
  • Transaction Hash – The unique identifier of the transaction.
  • Nonce – A nonce is a counter that prevents replay attacks and helps order transactions from a sender.
  • V, R, S Values – Cryptographic values related to the transaction’s signature.

This method is particularly useful for retrieving and verifying transaction details, checking the status of a transaction (whether it’s pending, mined, or failed), and for building tools, explorers, or applications that require access to specific transaction information on the Ethereum blockchain.


Programmatically retrieving blockchain data opens up a realm of possibilities for real-time insights, transparency, customization, and innovation. In this multi-part series, we will explore the technical aspects of accessing blockchain data programmatically, including APIs, libraries, and coding examples. Stay tuned for the upcoming parts, where we will delve deeper into the tools and techniques to harness the power of blockchain data for your projects and endeavors.